DebConf Accounting

Every year DebConf produces a set of accounts for the event finances.

Transparency and Privacy

As we’re a volunteer project, dependant on sponsorship, we publish public accounts for transparency.

To respect our attendees, sponsors, volunteers and contributors privacy, we have to redact some details in our accounting.

Names, addresses, unrelated purchases, etc. can be redacted in receipts.

Attendee payments are recorded by invoice number and type of income in the public accounts. Attendees aren’t named.

Attendee bursaries aren’t all recorded in the public accounts, only the reimbursement totals.

Sponsor information is confidential and recorded in a separate repository. Publicly, in DebConf accounting, we just list each sponsorship by their level in the ledger. We reference the TO’s or local organization’s invoice in a comment, leaving out the sponsor’s name.

Reviewing the Accounts

The accounts are in ledger format. We have a wrapper script around ledger that includes some useful default options.

Summary of the budget in USD:

$ ./wrapper -X USD -f budget.ledger bal

Summary of recorded income & expenses in USD:

$ ./wrapper -X USD bal

Review all transactions in USD:

$ ./wrapper -X USD reg --no-revalued --sort=date

Review all the expenses that SPI paid for in USD:

$ ./wrapper -X USD reg assets:SPI -l 'any(account =~ /expenses:/)' --no-revalued -r --sort=date

Review all expenses paid by pollito in EUR:

$ ./wrapper -X EUR reg liabilities:pollito -r --no-revalued --sort=date

Review all purchase from ACME:

$ ./wrapper reg -l 'payee =~ /ACME/' --no-rounding

Export CSV of income received by SPI in USD:

$ ./wrapper -X USD csv assets:SPI -l 'any(account =~ /income:/)' --no-revalued -r --sort=date


DebConf accounts are usually multi-currency. Our ledger setup supports this, record every entry in the appropriate currency. The ledger wrapper will download historic exchange rates and update forex.db to provide conversions to all supported currencies on every transaction date.

To force an update of forex.db, make it older than 1 day, and re-run wrapper:

$ touch forex.db
$ ./wrapper -X USD bal
Updating currency exchange rates
$ git commit -m "Update exchange rates" forex.db


When team members make expenses for the conference, they must have the approval of the DebConf Treasurer in advance. Incidental small expenditures are exempt up to a limit set by the Treasurer. The Treasurer will verify that the spending is in line with the budget.

Every expense should have an invoice/receipt (which may have some details redacted). When this isn’t possible, the team member can write a statement attesting to the expense. These should be emailed to the accounting team (, for recording in the books.

Expenses are recorded in expenses.ledger, by payment date, with a short description and a comment referencing the invoice/receipt. The expense can be spread over multiple lines, if necessary, but usually there is no reason to break it down.

The DebConf Treasurer will review the receipts and decide which expenses can be claimed from the conference.

Large expenses are usually paid directly by a Trusted Organization, and recorded against their asset account.

Small expenses are usually paid by team members, and recorded against a liability account in their name. At the end of the event (or periodically, if necessary) the team member must be reimbursed by a Trusted Organization or a local organization.


2022-07-07 * Printer Hire - Rikon
    ; invoices/front-desk/20220707-printer-hire.pdf
    expenses:swag                                           250.00 EUR

2022-07-08 * Front Desk Phone SIM Card & Top-up - IPKO
    ; invoices/front-desk/20220708-fd-phone-sim.pdf
    expenses:incidentals                                      5.00 EUR


Income is recorded in income.ledger, as negative values.

Once a sponsor has been invoiced by a Trusted Organization, it should be recorded as income in the accounts, on the invoice date. The name is ommitted. If the Trusted Organization charges a fee for collecting sponsorship (e.g. SPI) this can be accounted directly in the income transaction, against the fee account.


2022-07-20 * Gold Sponsor
    ; spi/invoice_5688
    income:sponsors:gold                   -10.500,00 USD
    expenses:fees                              525,00 USD

Mark the transaction as pending (!) until the payment has been settled, then as cleared (*).

Attendee Registration costs

Attendee registration costs are paid by card, online through Stripe. We have scripts to export these payments into ledger format, that can be used by team members who have access to the Stripe account:

$ make clean all PYTHON=ve/bin/python
rm -f stripe/payments.csv stripe/payouts.csv stripe/topups.csv
ve/bin/python tools/export-stripe-data
tools/stripe-payments-to-ledger > stripe-payments.ledger
tools/stripe-payouts-to-ledger > stripe-payouts.ledger
tools/stripe-topups-to-ledger > stripe-topups.ledger

Cash Payments

When the Front Desk takes a cash payment, they should issue an invoice to the attendee, and a receipt for the cash payment. These must then be manually added to income.ledger.


When a team member is reimbursed, the reimbursement should be recorded in reimbursements.ledger, with the date of the transaction, and any appropriate RT ticket numbers. If there are fees or a currency conversion involved, this can be recorded, if known. For example, here we know what was paid and what was received, the remainder is accounted as fees:

2022-09-13 * Reimbursement: Stefano
    ; Debian RT #8950
    ; SPI #5819
    liabilities:stefanor                                    147.00 EUR
    assets:SPI                                             -156.91 USD

Travel Bursaries

In coordination with the bursaries team, a list of attendees and their authorized travel reimbursement amounts will be built for each Trusted Organization that is involved in travel reimbursement.

Once these have been claimed, only the total amount claimed through each Trusted Organization will be reported in the DebConf expenses.ledger.

Closing the Books

As the conference winds down, the DebConf accounting team will begin work to close the books. Typically the books are finally closed during the next DebCamp.

The procedure is:

  1. Ensure on-site cash is accounted for and deposited.

  2. Ensure all attendees have paid their attendance fees.

  3. Ensure all suppliers have been paid.

  4. Start the bursary reimbursement process.

  5. Set a deadline for team members to submit all outstanding expense receipts.

  6. Reimburse team members.

  7. Set a deadline for travel bursaries to be claimed.

  8. Ensure all sponsors have been invoiced, and recorded in the accounts.

  9. Double-check with the TOs that all sponsor payments have been received. Update ledger record status to *.

  10. Ensure that local organizations that held assets for the event have been fully reimbursed and have returned any remaining balance.

  11. Ask each involved Trusted Organization and local organization for a report of DebConf transactions for the year. Reconcile these against DebConf’s accounts.

  12. Close the books.

  13. Report the final total income / cost of the conference to the DPL, The Debian Treasurers and DebConf team.